Green Jello Salad by Pepper Phillips

Green jello salad

Green Jello Salad:

Two boxes or one large of lime Jello dissolved in two cups of boiling water.

One carton of small curd cottage cheese.

One can of crushed pineapple, drained.

Mix together and put in the fridge.

For the topping, mix 8 oz. cream cheese with 3/4 cup mayonnaise. I generally let my cream cheese sit out for an hour first to make it easier to blend in the mayonnaise. Spread on top and it’s done.  You can sprinkle chopped pecans on the top if you want.

The hubby loves this and warned the kids that they could take any leftovers they liked but to leave the jello salad alone.

What is your favorite recipe that was handed down to you?

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